The Secret of Mary

Chosen soul, what means will you use to climb to that place to which God is calling you?

The means of holiness and salvation are known to everyone. They are traced out in the Gospel; they are explained by the masters of the spiritual life and they have been lived and practice by the saints. They are essential for all who wish to be saved and attain perfection.

These means are:A humble heart

Unceasing prayer

Total self denial

Abandonment to Divine Providence

And Obedience to the will of God

Booklet 70 pages

Publisher: Ave Maria Centre of Peace

Dimensions: 6.5" x 4"


.10 lbs


6" - 4" - .10 in

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The Secret of Mary

    Product ID: 200284165

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  • Brand: REME
  • Processing Time: In Stock
  • $8.70